March Sadness - The Nominations

Welcome to the second annual March Sadness Tournament. If you missed out on the first one, you can check it out on the now dormant Draft Mecca website. RIP Mecca. /prayer emoji

The participants will be voted as the “Worst Tweeters of Football Twitter”

“Let me get this all out-of-the-way, quickly. This isn’t a mean-spirited competition, it should be an opportunity to laugh, even if it is at yourself. Don’t take yourself too seriously.” - Andrew Parsons 

This is also a creation of the people. The original creator, Andrew Parsons, dreamed up the idea for the event, and we will provide the home for it, but all the names came from  Football Twitter nominations.

The Nominations

Use this link to submit your nominations for this years sadness tournament. You can nominate as many people as you want, as we will pull them all together to create the Terrible Thirty Two for round one. Remember, you’re voting for members of the football community who best exemplify the spirit of bad tweeting. All nominations and votes have guaranteed anonymity throughout.

Once we have received a good amount of nominations, we will kick off round 1. The Terrible Thirty Two.


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